The Looking Glass speaks to the brave nurse who recently took to Facebook to tell her story and call out the Government’s brutal vaccine mandates for healthcare workers, that still remain in place.

Chloe, a dedicated nurse who loved her job, spent Christmas day last year in hospital suffering severe heart problems after her second Pfizer injection. Diagnosed with pericarditis and heart dysrhythmia resulting from the jab, she was denied an exemption for the booster. Instead of putting herself at risk of more harm, she chose to walk away from the career she loved.
Just hours after seeing her last patient, she posted an emotional and heartfelt video to Facebook calling out the mandates, and accusing the Government of throwing her and others like her on the rubbish pile. Chloe’s message struck a chord with Kiwis everywhere and the video spread like wildfire.
Despite being hounded by the mainstream media, who she felt would twist her words and “crucify” her, she chose to retreat and prioritise her own well being. The whole experience has severely tested her, physically, psychologically and emotionally.
Now she’s ready to speak up again, and this is the first interview she has given.
The back story
Chloe has been a nurse for 19 years, and knew she didn’t want to have the jab from the get go, and when the mandates came into force in October she and others in her workplace were proactive about meeting with HR to discuss alternatives like PPE and testing regimes. As we’ve seen repeatedly, however, there was no give in the system and Chloe was stood down for several weeks.
But it wasn’t long before the financial reality of the situation hit her. With three children and mortgage repayments that had recently increased, she began to ‘freak out’ and relented. Under duress, she had her first jab in November.
Nurses were broadly against the mandates and did not agree with what was happening but felt they had no control, she says.
“We are firm believers in informed consent, it’s the basis of nursing and it’s being completely negated. I actually wrote on my consent form ‘I do not consent, I’m doing this to keep my job’. I had my first vaccine absolutely balling my eyes out, so to me that’s not a form of consent to start with.”
After her first injection, Chloe says she was fine. But three weeks later it was time to have her second jab or face losing her job. She had it on 22 December, again crying, again writing on her form ‘I do not consent’.

But this time it was very different. Within 24 hours she knew something was wrong.
“I was woken up at 3am on 23 December with chest heaviness and palpitations. I sort of got up, had a cup of tea and thought ‘it’s all in my head’, and went back to bed. And throughout the day of the 23rd, that [feeling] came on and off – the chest heaviness and palpitations. And then on the 24th I started to get chest pain that was radiating through my left shoulder – and for me, that’s alarm bells. So I went straight to the health centre and they did an ECG.”
In the course of her work Chloe says she had routinely seen serious vaccine injury after the Pfizer rollout, and says it was invariably written off as either resulting from anxiety or as a pre-existing condition. In advance of her first jab, she had the presence of mind to get a full medical examination, including an ECG, which clearly showed that she had been healthy prior to the injections.
So when she was rushed to hospital with suspected myocarditis after an ECG at the health centre showed she had ST depression (a change in heart rhythm), there was no equivocating about the fact that the jab had caused her symptoms.
Because it was Christmas eve, and she was a health professional, they allowed her to self-discharge and she went home to spend Christmas with her family. But the next day, she had gotten worse.
“On the 25th I could barely speak, I couldn’t string a sentence together properly, the chest pain was worse and radiating through the left shoulder, so I went straight back.”
She was then diagnosed with pericarditis and heart dysrhythmia from the jab, and later she was also diagnosed with chronic fatigue. Had she not had the ECG and full medical, she believes she would have been told it was due to a pre-existing condition.
No exemption
Chloe points out that she’s not alone – these injuries are now common, but they are being swept under the carpet and passed off as normal. She was unable to even see a cardiologist until May, because they are so inundated with cases like hers, she says.
Despite returning to work after six weeks to pick up a few shifts, she was still suffering extreme fatigue. So, when the boosters were mandated, she decided to go for an exemption. A long wait ensued for an echocardiogram, and when she finally had it, because there was no visual indication of permanent damage, her application for an exemption was denied.
Chloe says she was deeply traumatised by the decision.
“As a medical professional, when somebody has a risk, an allergy to a medication, you do not give them that medication. I had a serious problem with my heart and they are telling me it’s safe to have [the booster]. It defies all medical reasoning. They declined my exemption and I was terminated.”
She had her last shift in June and was stood down for four weeks, with her official last day being 21 July. Chloe’s viral video was posted after her last shift, when she was feeling particularly emotional. She was not prepared for the attention it received.
“I didn’t think. I didn’t think. I just posted it on my page thinking my friends would see it. It was just so wrong what was happening to so many of us. And I was heartbroken. I had just seen the last patient that I’m going to see in I don’t know how long, and I love my job.”
To make it worse, the video sparked a backlash from some quarters. She was trolled by keyboard warriors, and hounded by media. She was accused of making up her symptoms to get out of the jab, of being a conspiracy theorist and an actress. Someone even asked her why she didn’t “follow the science”.
Not only did she thoroughly research the injection – as she notes, nurses are very good researchers and are taught to be – she personally witnessed horrific side effects and had filled out CARM reports for patients. While this was going on, nurses were being gagged by administrators and were not permitted to say anything other than that the jab was ‘safe and effective’.
She was told that she was not allowed to discuss the mandates, or her personal experience on work property. But she says she never recommended the jab to anyone, instead telling people to research it thoroughly before going ahead, and she refused to inject anybody with it herself.
“It’s just wrong, as a nurse, the things I have seen. Forty-year-olds having heart attacks, 30-year-olds having strokes. I’ve seen pericarditis in children with heart arrhythmias and palpitations, and being told that it is anxiety. It’s wrong, it’s so wrong. And they are not being recognised or listened to. There are so many people suffering from these injuries. I honestly feel that the medical professionals are too scared to do anything, to speak up. I certainly was.”
A vindication
But Chloe says she can hold her head high and face her detractors now, as ACC recently approved her claim for vaccine injury. She is still having to fight to get financial compensation, but her medical records were scrutinised and thanks to her ECG and pre-med, ACC accepts that her injuries were caused by the jab. A “major win”, she says.
Despite this, she has plumbed the depth of depression as a result of her experience and when the mandates were dropped for everyone bar health workers, she says she was a mess.
“Psychologically that hit me hard. Really, really hard. I have never been in such a dark place in my life. So bad that I sought help and was under a psychiatrist’s care.”
A naturally active and sporty person before this experience, she’s now focusing on her kids and her health, and taking each day as it comes. Her heart rate still shoots up with exertion, but she has faith that with time and patience and care she can be 100% again.
And while it’s still a struggle financially, she’s feeling better inside herself and says a weight has lifted now that she can speak her mind – and she’s extremely reticent about ever going back to a full time position.
“I don’t need anybody telling me what to do with my body in order to keep my income. I can’t risk it. I have never experienced anything like it in my life. I didn’t feel like a human being. It was horrendous.”

Nurses for Freedom
Now, months after the mandates were first introduced, she says there is a fire back in her belly and she’s working to help other nurses who want to push back against Government overreach.
Along with a wider group of nurses across the country, under the banner of Nurses for Freedom, they are pushing back to get the mandates for health workers dropped – the only ones still remaining, despite a crisis in healthcare due to worker shortages.
The group is open to nurses who have been mandated out of their jobs, vaccine injured or just those who simply don’t agree with this policy.
Chloe believes the tide is starting to turn and people are beginning to question the basics of the vaccine narrative, which more and more realise are nonsensical.
“We were told that it stopped the spread, it does not stop the spread. We were told it would lessen the symptoms, it does not lessen the symptoms. For me, catching covid was nothing compared to my vaccine injury.“