‘I could tell you my adventures—beginning from this morning,’ said Alice a little timidly: ‘but it’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.’ – Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll.

Tid bits
- Listen to the always excellent sociologist Jodie Bruning talk covid, governance, science and its relationship to policy, institutional power and the public good in an interview with Rick Munn on TNT radio.
- The Privacy Commission (OPC) and the Independent Police Conduct Authority (IPCA) launched an investigation into police conduct after RNZ reported that police were illegally photographing Māori youth. The report states that there is a “widespread practice” of police taking photos of people in public with little cause, sometimes for simply looking “suspicious” or “out of place.”
- The Dutch city of Haarlem is set to become the first in the world to ban meat advertising in public, with the aim of getting people to eat less meat to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The rule will come into force from 2024. This week Auckland Mayoral candidate Efeso Collins was asked whether he would consider doing the same. Collins said that while it was interesting idea it wasn’t something he was thinking about and his focus was currently on transport emissions. Listen here.
- Five eyes spies gathered in Queenstown this week, Andrew Little, Minister for the Government Communications Security Bureau and the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service, confirmed. “As the public would expect, New Zealand’s national security and intelligence officials meet with their Five Eyes counterparts as part of their regular engagement. There are some engagements happening at official level in New Zealand at the moment,” he said. He said it was not in the country’s national security interests to provide further details.
- The US Department for Homeland Security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, on the anniversary of 9/11 said the new enemy was the individual, not foreign terrorists. “We are seeing an emerging threat over the last several years of the domestic violent extremist,” he said. “The individual here in the United States radicalised to violence by a foreign terrorist ideology, but also an ideology of hate, anti-government sentiment, false narratives propagated on online platforms, even personal grievances.” Who isn’t a terrorist under this definition? The Looking Glass has written about this extensively. See here and here and here and here.
- A creepy new add for New York Presbyterian Hospital appears to be attempting to normalise myocarditis in children, one of the most common injuries resulting from the covid jab.
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Government scraps traffic light system
Never say people power doesn’t work! The end of the traffic light system, including medical mandates and masking requirements, was announced and we are now told by the Prime Minister that “we just need to respect people’s individual choices”.
We can all pause to appreciate the massive hypocrisy of the Prime Minister, who smugly confirmed she was imposing two sets of rights on the citizens of New Zealand when she introduced vaccine passes to segregate the clean from the unclean last year.
This is a complete turnaround from the heavily coerced social engineering that has been going on under the covid protection framework. But while this is something to be celebrated, the Covid-19 Public Health Response Act is still in place, and just this week the Epidemic Preparedness Notice 2020 was renewed for a further three months until 20 October.
It first came into effect in March 2020, and is one of the ways in which powers under the Health Act were activated, and is a prerequisite for making Covid-19 orders under Covid-19 Public Health Response Act. It activates a range of statutory powers and consequences, including the ability to adjourn voting.
Under the principal notice, the Prime Minister declared that she was satisfied that the effects of the outbreak of Covid-19 were likely to disrupt or continue to disrupt essential governmental and business activity in New Zealand significantly.
Where is reference to public health, one wonders?
So, we are not off the hook yet. The Prime Minister is keeping her emergency powers in the back pocket, just in case, it appears. Not that anyone could have predicted that …
Mandates for nurses and health care workers effectively still in place
Despite government mandates dropping, Te Whatu Ora, the newly created health authority is in the process of putting an internal mandate for workers in place, timed to come into effect exactly as the Government mandates expire.

Activist groups Nurses for Freedom and the NZ Nurses Collective put a statement out on Thursday saying they were concerned that once again the public have been mislead with respect to the cessation of health mandates.
Spokeswoman Deborah Cunliffe said despite systemic under-staffing, gaps in access to timely services and the continued risk to the public this brings, public health workers are still subject to vaccination requirements and may not be allowed back to work.
Te Whatu Ora Capital Coast, Hutt Valley and Wairarapa amongst others, have been quick to confirm that all new contracts will require two primary doses of the covid vaccine and at least one booster, citing health and safety legislation. Te Whatu Ora (Health NZ) is currently working on a draft national policy expected to be completed by 26 September to coincide with the end of the mandates.
This means that about 1,500 unvaccinated doctors, nurses, midwives and other public healthcare workers are still potentially subject to discrimination. Workers in the private healthcare sector are also in limbo.
Cunliffe said international and independent ‘gold standard’ evidence is needed to prove unvaccinated healthcare workers are a greater risk to vulnerable populations as compared to vaccinated workers.
“This is especially relevant considering the real and known risk that exists from reduced health service provision, an overstretched workforce and waning vaccine efficacy.
“It is clear our patients and the public want us back. Preventing us from doing so adds to the general perception that dropping the mandates is purely about votes and has never been about science, health or transparency,” she said.
Read an account of one nurses horrific experience of the mandates here.
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Will we see a covid inquiry?
AM Show host Ryan Bridges questioned Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern this week about what lessons could be learned from the covid response and whether the country would get an inquiry ahead of next year’s general election.

Ardern said was “getting a bit of advice on that”.
Bridges then pressed her on what its scope might be. “Will it look at Minister’s decisions, your decisions? Will it look at vaccine rollout, you know, the Reserve Bank and the money printing that went on and the inequality that was created? Will all of those things be canvassed by an inquiry?
Ardern said she wanted to “keep learning for the future” but that she couldn’t answer specific questions at this point.
Denmark bans covid vaccines for under-50s
Denmark previously halted covid jabs for the under-18s but this week moved to widen the age range to the under-50s.

The Danish Health Authority says “the purpose of vaccination is not to prevent infection with covid-19 and people under age 50 are therefore currently not being offered booster vaccinations.”
Their explanation for the ban is that due to widespread immunity and low risk from covid, the benefits from vaccination are too low. Now, only those considered in high-risk groups or those who work with people in high-risk groups under 50 will be allowed to get it. Otherwise, they are banned.
As we saw last week with the UKs decision to ban the covid jab for under-12s, however, the authorities are not coming out to explicitly state this or provide an explanation. If something is banned, it implies that it’s harmful. But the public are not hearing this from authorities.
One can only assume there is obfuscation at play. VAERS data shows that covid-19 injections are the most dangerous ‘vaccines’ ever produced. ‘Died suddenly’ notices are through the roof globally. Excess death has spiked in highly vaccinated countries, including New Zealand. How long before they are removed from market and how many people will have been maimed or killed by then?
International medical crisis declared by consortium of doctors and scientists
Over 400 doctors, scientists and professionals from more than 34 countries this morning declared an international medical crisis due to “diseases and death associated with the ‘covid-19 vaccines’”.
“We, the medical doctors and scientists from all over the world, declare that there is an international medical crisis due to the diseases and deaths co-related to the administration of products known as “Covid-19 vaccines”.
“We are currently witnessing an excess in mortality in those countries where the majority of the population has received the so called “Covid-19 vaccines”. To date, this excess mortality has neither been sufficiently investigated nor studied by national and international health institutions.
“The large number of sudden deaths in previously healthy young people who were inoculated with these “vaccines”, is particularly worrying, as is the high incidence of miscarriages and perinatal deaths which have not been investigated.,” it begins.
The signatories are demanding that regulatory agencies and related health institutions globally, as well as international bodies like WHO, EMA, FDA, UK-MHRA, respond to a series of demands, starting with halting covid vaccination programmes. Read more here.
Psychiatrist Emmanuel Garcia takes physicians to task for abandoning medical ethics
US born, New Zealand based psychiatrist Emmanuel Garcia, has taken Kiwi medical professionals to task in an op-ed published in Global Research. Garcia was one of dozens of physicians who refused to parrot government covid narratives in 2020. He retired from psychiatric practice in 2021 as a result after working in the public sector since 2006.
He ponders how differently things may have gone in New Zealand if medical professionals had collectively spoken out against government overreach.
“Yes, I understand, they would have come under attack by a corrupt Medical Council (under the thumb of the Federation of State Medical Boards) and Ministry of Health; yes, they would have had their licences to practice suspended; yes, they would have been fired from their jobs for exercising common sense and their right to choose what to allow into their bodies – at least initially.
“But imagine if they simply stood up en masse for what was right. Would a totalitarian Government have dared to persecute us all? Would even a quisling organisation like the Medical Council have tried to investigate thousands instead of the dozens of doctors who spoke out? Would the Prime Minister of New Zealand have insisted on a sweetheart deal with a disreputable and unscrupulous pharmaceutical outfit like Pfizer and suppressed inexpensive and effective treatments for a trumped-up illness? Would the government have had the audacity NOT to mandate autopsies for those who died after having received the jab, and NOT to account for and fully investigate adverse events? Would, in fact, this entire manufactured nightmare scenario have been allowed to unfold as it has, with its concomitant destruction of livelihoods, businesses, and societal fabric?”
US President Joe Biden unleashes biotech regime on Americans: are humans just computers to be hacked?
The Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy states that: “For biotechnology and biomanufacturing to help us achieve our societal goals, the United States needs to invest in foundational scientific capabilities. We need to develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers; unlock the power of biological data, including through computing tools and artificial intelligence; and advance the science of scale‑up production while reducing the obstacles for commercialization so that innovative technologies and products can reach markets faster.”
This insane order seeks to vastly expand the failed gene modifying public health strategy of the last two years, and makes no reference to the Nuremberg Code which outlaws medical experiments on humans without informed consent.
As Professor of Globalization Studies at University of Lethbridge in Alberta Canada, Anthony Hall notes in a critique of the order, “The Biden administration simply looked the other way as Pfizer and other companies well known for their criminal records pushed ahead a totally experimental process of genetic modification through mRNA injections. The current custodians of the White House have no intention, it seems, of initiating much-needed federal investigations and studies to understand what went wrong and who is responsible?,” he said.
Stay curious …