In this guest post from Keri Molloy, she discusses proposed changes to the International Health Regulations being discussed by World Health Organisation this week and New Zealand’s role in them. She says health authorities face a trust crisis.
Groan – Let’s talk about the lazy bigotry directed at the unvaccinated
Public sanction has been given for open bigotry against a new underclass in the ‘tolerant’ and ‘progressive’ west.
Evil is borne from a failure to think
This piece was written in September 2021, before vaccine passes were introduced in New Zealand. It documents my growing horror with the pronouncements coming from our leaders and the willingness of so many to go along with them.
New Zealand’s International Vaccination Certificate: a Ponzi scheme?
Jodie Bruning dissects the murky presumptions behind the need for international vaccine passes and lack of any scientific justification for their implementation, which appear to have been locked into the Government’s agenda from early on in covid times.
High Court kid’s vaccine ruling reeks
In this post by The ‘Hood, the advocacy group that challenged the Government’s decision to roll out the Pfizer product to children, it lays out what it sees were the problems with the way the judicial review was handled.
Blackboxed: New Zealand’s expensive management consultants
Jodie Bruning exposes the millions of dollars the Government is spending on consultants, which she argues, are effectively delivering pre-packaged, locked and loaded policy that is oblivious to the concerns and interests of the public.
Show us the money: time for transparency from The Disinformation Project
The public must be told who funds The Disinformation Project because it underwrites and legitimises the Government’s sinister ‘domestic extremism’ narrative. After the most recent storm in an ‘extremist’ teacup, it’s time to fess up.
Journalist Avi Yemini denied entry to NZ for political reasons, OIA reveals
As the war on free speech heats up, independent journalists are being targeted. Time to use it, or lose it.
How civic participation and independent thinking are being sold as dark arts
More pearl clutching from ‘misinformation experts’ over the freedom community’s political engagement.
‘Dangerous political games’ being played over Ukraine
As the rhetorical heat intensifies, the world urgently needs a neutral arbiter to bring the temperature down.