New Zealand is terrifyingly close to a measles outbreak, it’s alleged. The usual suspects want the Government to put in place hardcore surveillance and border controls.

As many ‘freedomy’ types warned and predicted back in covid times, vaccine passes would return if we did not refuse them en mass. But the country rolled over, went completely fascist overnight, and four years later here we are – they’re being proposed again. This time for measles, that illness that we used throw parties so kids would ‘catch them’ when I was a kid. Now, it appears, the answer is shrill alarmism and hardcore biosecurity.
A recently formed ‘communications’ group, headed by the infamous covidian Michael Baker and other powerful bureaucrats of that dystopian nightmare such as Amanda Kvalsvig and Nikki Turner, is currently fear-mongering about a potential measles outbreak due to “plummeting vaccination rates”.
The Public Health Communication Centre (PHCC) wants the Government to put in place a requirement for proof of measles vaccination when leaving and entering the country, along with other surveillance and bully tactics.
PHCC states that it “sits at the cross-roads between Aotearoa’s world-class public health research, public understanding, and evidence-informed policy.” It describes media outlets as “key partners” and appears to operate a model similar to Science Media Centres, curating how journalists report on public health stories. This way they get to wedge their alarmist public health advice into news reports more easily.
Director Michael Baker said a year ago, “I will be working closely with journalists, we have excellent science and health journalists, but not enough of them, so it’s to provide them with more information so they can communicate more widely.”
The group is funded by The Gama Foundation, a charity set up by wealthy Christchurch couple Grant and Marilyn Nelson.

In a recent briefing, PHCC said, “We now have more adults who are susceptible than in 1997. The number of susceptible people and the loss of high immunity in primary schools imply a large measles epidemic risk with consequences for the health sector; and those made miserable, disabled or dead.”
What did the susceptibility look like in 1987 or 1977? Before mass vaccination schedules were put in place? I don’t know about you, but the word ‘imply’ stood out to me, as well as the doomsaying. Yes, measles can be deadly, but so can crossing the road.
To address this apparent threat, PHCC recommends three things, which I interpret in plain language below:
Closing the immunity gap
The groups suggests the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education join forces to more actively surveil childhood vaccination rates, using the existing vaccination registers kept by each Early Childhood Centre (ECC) or school. They want to bring the registers up to date by placing people in each school and ECC to identify the unvaccinated, ‘sensitively’ engage vaccine hesitant families, and vaccinate. This would focus on those aged 15 months to 9 years without documented receipt of two doses of MMR vaccine.
This approach is more aggressive, one might say predatory, than the standard well-child visit and is highly effective at shaming out unvaccinated parents and/or kids so they go home and beg their parents to let them get jabbed.
This would be used in conjunction with the Aotearoa Immunisation Register (AIR) to track ‘under-vaccination’, as well as the use of incentives for providers and families.
Remember when the government bribed kids with KFC and or ice cream, or even cash to get the covid jab? Such incentivising amounts to an immoral and exploitative trade that does not respect privacy, personal choice or informed consent.
Parents who choose note to vaccinate need to expect pressure from different sources and be ready to stand firm. ECCs and schools are required by law to keep a register. They will be putting pressure on schools to aim for 95% vaccination rates.
Reduce the risk of importing measles
PHCC calls for authorities to bring in vaccine passports for measles at the border, requiring anyone leaving or entering to show proof of vaccination. Once again centralised surveillance and restriction of movement, not sensible low key approaches like the subsidised distribution of vitamins A and C, are the answer.
The PHCC wants the government to do this immediately. As part of this, their strategy is to apply pressure via propaganda in the media and hyping up the threat of a measles outbreak to increase general levels of fear.
Rethink our response to measles cases
This part of the strategy involves moving beyond ensuring measles cases receive an MMR vaccine, and ensuring everyone around them is also targeted. They call this ‘ring immunisation’ – essentially a way of getting more of their drugs into more people, and thereby profiting massively.
Worse they want to use digital surveillance to do this: “We propose consideration of a targeted ring strategy using digital tools to focus on the unvaccinated in communities with a new measles case.” (emphasis mine).
The result will be more pressure applied to families and friends of a known sick child. Practically speaking, if your unvaccinated child is in a class with a child who gets measles, this will be checked by authorities and pressure will be applied to vaccinate (sorry – ‘support for the vaccine hesitant’ will be offered).
It’s worth reading the Health (Immunisation) Regulations 1995 to see how authoritarian the rules already are. It’s important to note that nothing in these regulations limits your child’s right to attend an ECC or school. There is no requirement to vaccinate – yet.

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Centralised tracking and the loss of medical privacy
It’s important to note that late last year the National Immunisation Register (NIR) was merged with the Covid19 Immunisation Register (CIR) to create the Aotearoa Immunisation Register (AIR). The other two databases will cease to be used for tracking vaccination.
AIR is an integrated and scalable surveillance tool, used to view immunisation history and ‘manage public health risks against vaccine preventable diseases’. It is designed to give vaccinators anytime/anywhere access to an individual’s whole-of-life immunisation history in one central place.

One significant change is that previously, it was possible to remove your own, or your children’s names, from the NIR. Since the merger, it is no longer possible.
Te Whatu Ora said it was developing an option to stop your information being shared, due to be ready in early 2024. I am unsure if this has happened. You can also fill out a form to let them know that you do not want your information shared (Request a form by emailing
But this is not the same as having your name removed from the database entirely, which was previously possible. Te Whatu Ora also warns that “even if you choose to withhold your immunisation information from being shared, your immunisation records may still be accessed in the event of an emergency or with your agreement.”
Not very reassuring – they will use it against the unvaccinated anyway. Why do I say this? The claimed uses for the database are:
- Managing Consumer health
- Keeping Consumers and others safe
- Planning and funding future health services
- Carrying out authorised research
- Training health care professionals
- Preparing and publishing statistics
- Improving government services
- Enabling broader health and social support services
In effect, the point about keeping others safe means excluding someone in the event of a ‘health emergency’ if they are a contact without proof of immunity.
Note that GPs have a similar tracking system to schools, which will feed into AIR.
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Media already pushing measles madness
In the language the public health technocrats use, this messaging looks benign – which is why I’ve tried to make the implications more plain. Remaining sceptical and not giving them the benefit of the doubt would be wise. The same applies to media reports on their briefings.
See the high standard of professional journalism on display from this NewsHub April 30 news report, in which they display precisely zero scepticism or desire to test the urgency of the claims. Or this piece from RNZ. The model is more monkey see, monkey do. Personal choice and privacy don’t seem to be concerns for our media covering this issue.

It seems these initiatives work in the background to push increasingly authoritarian vaccination efforts in parallel with global efforts at the World Health Organisation and its pandemic treaty and International Health Regulations (which are not progressing as smoothly as hoped). In fact the messaging that New Zealand is at risk of a large outbreak unless immunity gaps are rapidly closed, comes directly from the WHO.
Don’t believe the hype
We ought to consider that these extreme recommendations aren’t based on an actual outbreak, just a presumed one, and if it was you can bet it would be a tiny number of people in relation to the whole population of the country, probably a handful of cases, which is not an outbreak. This is just the implied possibility of an ‘outbreak’ based on falling vaccination rates – magical thinking. That’s the real alarm driving these initiatives: falling vaccination rates = falling pharma profits.
Historically, public health officials were only ever able to identify an epidemic or pandemic after lots of people got sick and died. Any claim to be able to predict such things, as is the case with the measles in New Zealand now, is a nonsense.
Part of the surveillance that is being recommended is the testing of human waste on incoming flights. This would be based on the surely now infamous PCR test, which is frankly incapable of doing what they say it does.
In fact, PCR testing was the smoking gun in the whole covidian nightmare, because by using fake PCR tests to ‘dignose’ cases, they created the illusion of an outbreak using false positives. And all the Turkeys allowing themselves to be tested were effectively voting for Christmas. So, the covid playbook – the pandemic playbook – is still very much in place, and PCR is a key tool. We need to wise up.
And by the way, are we not allowed to just be ill anymore? All this Chicken Little behaviour simply encourages those who are easily manipulated by fear, and as we saw during covid, many of them will allow that fear to poison them against the unvaccinated. And that is where the fascist behaviour starts.
There are vampires salivating over the very real possibility of being able to impose vaccine requirements for school attendance. This will devastate communities and families all over again if allowed to happen. But before that can happen they need to scare us sufficiently. If the time comes we must vociferously defend personal choice and parental rights and say No!
To end on a lighter note, here’s the hilarious Derty Sesh with his own take on the measles issue. At least we can still laugh (I don’t happen to agree with Sesh that measles is a big deal, but otherwise the sentiment is bang on).
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